SauceCAD Subscriptions

SauceCAD Subscriptions FAQ

Please have your community ID ready when purchasing a subscription, if you have any questions, comments, or need support not covered in the subscription FAQ or general FAQ; please join our support discord linked in the menu above. Please read the rules and FAQ on discord prior to posting. Thank you!

A community ID is what users will use to sign up for and login to your CAD/MDT. Your community ID cannot contain symbols. Typically, it is the abbreviation of your community. Examples: San Andreas Highway Patrol - ID: SAHP, Detachment 49 - ID: D49

  • Advertise your business or gaming community directly to thousands of gamers at the industry leading price of $3/1000 page views. Three standard ad sizes: w:160px h:600px, w:600px h:160px, w:300px h:250px.
  • Advertisements with copy written materials or explicit content, images or logos of any kind are prohibited. This means you MUST own all materials used in your advertisement, or have commercial-use permission to use the materials.
  • Please submit your ad banner(s) to along with the URL you'd like your ad to link to for a manual review prior to purchasing advertising space.

  • Police MDT
  • Fire MDT
  • Dispatch MDT
  • Licensing MDT
  • Lawyer MDT
  • Admin Panel
  • Unlimited Accounts
  • Unlimited 10-Codes
  • 3 Departments
  • Unlimited Sub-Departments
  • 2 Characters per User
  • 125 Vehicle Registrations
  • 125 Licenses
  • Admin Logs: Last 10 entries

  • Police MDT
  • Fire MDT
  • Dispatch MDT
  • Licensing MDT
  • Lawyer MDT
  • Admin Panel
  • Unlimited Accounts
  • Unlimited 10-Codes
  • 5 Departments
  • Unlimited Sub-Departments
  • 3 Characters per User
  • 250 Vehicle Registrations
  • 250 Licenses
  • Admin Logs: Last 30 entries
  • Livemap Integration
  • API Key for In-game Integration
  • Custom Menu Button

  • Police MDT
  • Fire MDT
  • Dispatch MDT
  • Licensing MDT
  • Lawyer MDT
  • Admin Panel
  • Unlimited Accounts
  • Unlimited 10-Codes
  • 10 Departments
  • Unlimited Sub-Departments
  • 5 Characters per User
  • Unlimited Vehicle Registrations
  • Unlimited Licenses
  • Admin Logs: Last 50 entries
  • Livemap Integration
  • API Key for In-game Integration
  • Custom Menu Button

  • Police MDT
  • Fire MDT
  • Dispatch MDT
  • Licensing MDT
  • Lawyer MDT
  • Admin Panel
  • Unlimited Accounts
  • Unlimited 10-Codes
  • Unlimited Departments
  • Unlimited Sub-Departments
  • Unlimited Characters per User
  • Unlimited Vehicle Registrations
  • Unlimited Licenses
  • Admin Logs: Last 100 entries
  • Livemap Integration
  • API Key for In-game Integration
  • Custom Menu Button
  • Ad Removal for All CAD/MDT Users

There are two ways to remove ads; You can remove ads for yourself by purchasing a SauceCAD Personal Ad Removal Subscription or you can remove ads for every user in your community by purchasing a SauceCAD Pro subscription.

To manage your subscription simply click customer dashboard at the top of your screen, enter the email you used to purchase and login using the link sent to your email. If you require assistance contact us either via email or the support discord.

Adding a discord name is completely optional, if entered on the purchase form you'll be granted the subscriber role on discord shortly after your subscription is applied to your CAD/MDT.

Subscriptions are automatically applied instantly after the purchase completes but in some cases fraud checking may delay the application for upto 24 hours. If you've been waiting over 24 hours please contact us via email or the support discord.

To change your subscription tier; first click the customer dashboard, enter your email you used to purchase and login using the link sent to your email. If you require assistance contact us either via email or the support discord.

SauceCAD Subscriptions

*Actual price varies based on chosen billing period, the lowest price point is our annual billing period.

Your community ID is required for your purchase, if are unsure what a community ID is please read the FAQ above and if you still are having an issue please reach out to us via our support discord.
Subscription Length:


*Actual price varies based on chosen billing period, the lowest price point is our annual billing period.

Your community ID is required for your purchase, if are unsure what a community ID is please read the FAQ above and if you still are having an issue please reach out to us via our support discord.
Subscription Length:


*Actual price varies based on chosen billing period, the lowest price point is our annual billing period.

Your community ID is required for your purchase, if are unsure what a community ID is please read the FAQ above and if you still are having an issue please reach out to us via our support discord.
Subscription Length:


*Actual price varies based on chosen billing period, the lowest price point is our annual billing period.

Please refer to the email sent after purchase or our FAQ for details on linking your account and activating personal ad removal.
Subscription Length:


SauceCAD Ad Placement

  • Advertise your gaming community directly to thousands of gamers. Three standard ad sizes: w:160px h:600px, w:600px h:160px, w:300px h:250px.
  • Advertisements with copy written materials or explicit content, images or logos of any kind are prohibited. This means you MUST own all materials used in your advertisement, or have commercial-use permission to use the materials.
  • Please submit your ad banner(s) to along with the URL you'd like your ad to link to for a manual review prior to purchasing advertising space.

$3 per 1000 views